Celebrate the end of a very long winter and enjoy nature’s bounty! Friends of the Olney Farmers and Artists Market invites you to join us for behind the scenes, exclusive tours of four of our most fabulous farms. The events include private tours by the owners, along with wine and/or signature cocktails and hot and cold hors d’oeuvres.
Our first event takes place Saturday, March 10th (rain date is Sunday, March 11th), from 2 to 5 p.m. at Shepherd’s Manor Creamery. The farm, Maryland’s only sheep cheese farm, is located in the beautiful rolling hills of Carroll County, MD, in historic New Windsor. Get an up-close and personal tour from the owners, Colleen and Michael Histon; meet the sheep and the llama that keeps them safe; and find out firsthand how their fabulous cheese is made. Then gather on the veranda for a fabulous array of hors d’oeuvres and wine and/or signature cocktails.
Cost is $50 per person. Proceeds benefit the Olney Farmers Market’s neediest customers, people in need who come to the market for produce. RESERVE NOW by calling 202.257.5326 or mail your check payable to Friends of the Olney Farmers Market to PO Box 1787, Olney, MD 20830. Tickets are limited and non-refundable.
Our second event takes place Saturday, May 5th, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. (rain date, Sunday, May 6th) at Falcon Ridge Farm in Westminster, overlooking the spectacular hills of Pennsylvania. It is Maryland’s premiere fruit farm, featuring everything from lemons, apples and peaches to paw paws. You’ll get a private tour of the farm, then gather in the barn for hot and cold hors d’oeuvres and wine and/or signature cocktails. Desserts are likely to include some of Nancy MacBride’s finest pound cakes, all made with fruit from the farm. Stanton is always full of surprises, so be prepared! Wear good walking shoes!!
Cost is $50 per person. RESERVE NOW by calling 202 257 5326 or mail your check payable to Friends of the Olney Farmers Market to PO Box 1787, Olney, MD 20830. Tickets are limited and non-refundable.
Our third event also takes place at Falcon Ridge Farm in Westminster. Stanton and Nancy and family are putting on a special, vegetarian Thanksgiving, on Saturday, November 10th. Time will be announced soon. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy their fabulous meatless dishes. Wine and/or signature cocktails are included. Don’t forget to wear good walking shoes. And there’s a bonus. You might just get to feed the turkeys!
Cost is $50. per person. RESERVE NOW by calling 202 257 5326 or mail your check payable to Friends of the Olney Farmers Market, PO Box 1787, Olney, MD 20830. Tickets are limited and non-refundable.
Tour #4 Details coming soon. Look for them on olneyfarmersmarket.org
Note: Your charitable donations may be tax deductible. We are a 501 (C) 3 organization.
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